Steven Laschever-Photography
You've almost certainly seen some of Steven Laschever's work in publications and walls throughout Connecticut. You've also likely seen him at work, making photographs to document events and personalities at universities, galleries, corporations and non-profits throughout the Hartford area.
While Steven loves photography landscapes and still life's, his greatest joy comes from photographing people. He has a remarkable talent for putting subjects at ease, regardless of whether they are in his studio, a concert hall, a school gymnasium or a corporate boardroom. Through the trust he develops with his subjects and the exuberance he has for this craft, Steven always endeavors to capture the essence of his subjects in a distinctive moment.
Michael Kodas, author of High Crime: The Fate of Everest in an Age of Greed
144 South Street,
West Hartford, CT 06110
(860) 953-6617
Cell (860) 798-2947